Gulf Triangle Group of Companies
Chromite ore limestone laterite Gypsum Managanese
The Government of Sultanate of Oman has awarded Gulf Triangle Mining LLC Copper u0026#038; Gold block 9 to explore and utilize the mine. The total area of block 9 is 396 sq km and located in Batinah Region of Oman. With the help of international consultants, GTM has started the initial stages of copper exploration. GTM is interested in any JV that would bring mutual benefits to all parties. For JV please email your proposal to below email, GTM is willing to share the initial exploration data to interested parties:
Work Processes
The ongoing operations are managed by Omani management, supplemented by expatriate specialist and specialist contracting company. Gulf Triangle Mining LLC employs the open pit method in all mechanized mining operations. Benches are designed across and along the strike of the ore body for better quality control. Eco-Friendly ripper, dozer, conventional drilling and blasting are preferred for the removal of over burden/waste rock. The ore is exposed after removing the waste capping. The run of the mine ore is loaded into fleet of trucks by excavators and then transported to stock yard for sizing, cleaning and quality upgrading. All mining pits are designed considering factors that influence pit stability and feasibility. It includes an assessment of the rock mass, weathering and strength of the various lithologies at the mine site as well as the structural characteristics of discontinuities. The design of the ultimate slope angle, dimensions of benches is influenced by the combination of the rock mass strength, weathering influence of discountinutuies and presence and volume of water. Stockpiles and Quality Control: The surplus ore stockpiles ensure continues ore supply. The open pits are well planned with service roads that connect the mining pits keeping the activities away fromu0026hellip;
Key Project Areas and expertise: · Fabrication, delivery and erection of industrial steel, Stainless Steel and Aluminium works. Execution of: · Erection works · Pressure Vessels u0026#038; Process pipe works · Foundry Melting Equipments · Pumping Stations · Pipeline Construction and Maintanance · Tank Fabrication · Modular Assembly · Prefabricated Pipes · SNC Mashining Works Maintenance and repairing works: · Refinary units · Power Stations Welding: · Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) · Gas Stun Stem-ARC Welding(GTAW) · Sheilded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Engineering Services: · Design Engineering · Project management · Site Construction Our Highly motivated skilled personnel are committed to achieve the quality of products and services.
Projects of Industries
Workshop Facilities
Muscat Fabrication Facility: Total area of 20,000m2 Covered workshop area 3,600m2 Painting and Blasting rooms of 1,200m2 Pre-assembly area 3,500m2 Storage area for steel shapes and plates 4000m2 Handling facility u0026#038; Machineries: Concrete weight batcher – 5 NO Volvo Excavators – 4 NO JCB – 4 NO Roller Compactors – 3 NO Plate Compactors – 10 NO 32 Tons and 16 Tons overhead cranes 15Tons and 5Tons mobile cranes Rotating JIP Crane SWL 40 Tons (Assembly Area) Rotating JIP Crane SWL 10 Tons (Painting Area) Forklift 5 Tons and 7 Tons Over head Crane Blasting chamber SWL 10 Tons Over head Crane Painting chamber SWL 10 Tons Machine shop with all necessary equipments 300m2 Sheet Rolling Machine L= 3500/40 meter thickness 350 T.Cap press Break 3100 x 12 meter thickness Plate Searing Machine 3100 x 10 Meter thickness Radial Drilling Machine 1900mm CNC Milling Machine, Stank SMK 32 CNC Milling Machine, Maho 600C Laths Machines Kaltenbach Circular Saw Electrical Pipe Bending Machine Workshop Capacity: Heavy Structures 80 TO /u0026hellip;
List of some of Gulf Triangle Industries u0026#038; Services LLC – Industries Division:
Quality & Safety
Quality u0026#038; Safety of Industries
Certifications of Industries
Gulf Triangle Industries u0026#038; Services LLC provides general and industrial constructions and civil services. Services we provide: Commercial, industrial and residential building works Control and switchgear building construction Pipeline and flow line civil works General earthworks, well pad site preparation and earthmoving General maintenance and civil service contracts
These are some of projects which has been completed by our Civil Division of Gulf Triangle Industries u0026#038; Services LLC: SL No. PROJECT DESCRIPTION CLIENT 1. Construction of Fabrication shed blasting and painting shed at Misfa. 2. Construction of Mosque u0026#038; Recreation Building for PDO at Lekhwair.(Mosque-886Sqm u0026#038; Recreation 902Sqm.) PDO/Zubair 3. Construction of 350 men camp, designu0026#038; construction of infrastructural facilities u0026#038; Civil works for pipe line at Sahma for PDO STFA Fernas JV 4. Construction of 132Kv Grid station, 125Mva TRF u0026#038; Associated works at Bousher. BEC/OETC
Clients of Civil
Quality & Safety
Quality u0026#038; Safety of Civil
Certifications and Award of Civil
Projects & Clients
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